
Wednesday, October 28, 2020

My Speech About Photography

 My Speech About Photography

This term Belfast school are doing speech's. We got to chose our topic for our speech. I chose photography. We had to make the speech at least two minutes fourty-five seconds to three minutes long. I chose photography because I want to become a photographer when I am older. We had to start with an introduction about what our speech will be about. Then we had to add different facts and information about this topic. Yesterday we said our speech's to our class. If we did well we get to read our speech to the syndicate. After we finished writing our speech we added them into cards. We made the cards on google docs. To make the cards we would go down to the bottom of the doc and go to insert and then table and go two across four down. I have highlighted some of the important parts if you h=just wan to have a skim through it. Here is my speech. 


Hi today I am going to talk to you about the history and some facts of photography. I chose photography as my speech because I want to become a photographer.

Did You Know That Cat Photos are Much Older Than You Think

You might think that funny cat photos are a trend that started a few years ago. It is still one of the most popular searches in google. This viral trend started in the 1870s when Harry Pointer took a photo of his cat and started it all.

The Most Popular Subjects for Photography in the 1800s Weren’t Alive

A surprising photography fact is that one of the most popular things to take photos of used to be dead bodies. This was a way to remember the physical appearance of the deceased family member.

The Most Viewed Photograph in History

The most viewed photograph is the default wallpaper for the Window XP. This image is named bliss captured by Charles O’Rear in 1996.

How Many Pictures Do We Capture Every Year? 

Only a few million images were taken in the 80 years leading up to the first commercial camera. In 1999, Kodak reported that we had taken approximately 80 billion pictures. The average a year is 730 billion photos published onto facebook. For the whole year we take more than 1 trillion photos. Thanks for all the food images and selfies guys!

How Much Money A Photographer Makes Over A Few Years

If you are just starting photography you would make in between $20,394 - $82,284. If you have been doing photography for a while you will make in between  $23,586 - $100,615. For an experienced photographer you would make in between $27,727 - $120,042. If you have been doing photography for over lets say 2-3 years you would make in between $29,299 - $120,313. Thats a lot of money even if you just started.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Games Afternoon

 Games Afternoon

Last Thursday room 21 went into to room 20 to have a games afternoon. For this games afternoon each person or group in 21 grabbed a board game from our class and went into room 20 and played different games with music playing. I was in a group with Zara, Leandri, and Rihana.  My group and I played trouble for a little bit and after a while Zara went and got mancala and we played in pairs both pairs taking turns. Here are some photos Miss McCombie got. Do you like playing board games?